Γεωτεκτονική εξέλιξη και ενεργός τεκτονική της Καλιφόρνια (ΗΠΑ) = Geotectonic evolution and active tectonics of California (USA).
The purpose of this paper is to describe the basic geologic structures that form the active geotectonic environment of California. California, as well as the entire western margin of the North American plate, is part of Circum-Pacific belt and is characterized by intense seismicity and deformation. During Mesozoic period California was a subduction zone of the oceanic plate Farallon beneath the continental plate of North America, which resulted in the formation of the Sierra Nevada volcanic arc, the Coastal Ranges, the fore-arc basin of Central Valley of California and the back-arc basin of Basin & Range province. After Oligocene with the completion of Farallon’s subduction in the California region and the contact of its western margin with the Pacific Plate, the San Andreas fault zone was formed in a new geotectonic environment of transformation. At the same time, the opening of Gulf of California is occurring due to transtensional stresses. To this day San Andreas fault is considered one of the most dangerous faults with scientists warning that is entering a period of intense seismic activity.
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Ελληνική Βιβλιογραφία
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