Πορφυριτικά Κοιτάσματα = Porphyry Type Deposits.
This diploma thesis focuses on the study of porphyry type deposits and highlights their unique characteristics. First of all, great emphasis is given to the geotectonic genetic model, as well as the forms of mineralization (veins, disseminations, stockwork veinlets, breccias). Fundamental is the importance of the mineralization in the porphyry system that consists of metals such as Cu, Mo and Au, along with Re, Ag, W, Te, Pt, Pd, Se, in lower concentrations. Also, two of the most important porphyry type deposits of Greece and two of the largest globally are described in this thesis. In Greece, the deposits are located in Maronia, containing the metals Cu - Mo - Re - Au, and in Skouries of Chalkidiki, with Cu -Au. The global deposits that are discussed here are the El Teniente deposit in Central Chile, which is characterized by Cu - Mo, and the Ok Tedi deposit in Papua New Guinea with Cu - Au.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
Μέλφος Β., Βουδούρης Π., 2021, Κοιτάσματα της Ελλάδος.
Μέλφος Β., Βουδούρης Π., Σακελλάρης Γ. Α., 2021, Γενική Κοιτασματολογία.
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