Συστηματική μελέτη του βοοειδούς Pontoceros από την απολιθωματοφόρο θέση Tsi;otra Br;ysh (Μυγδονία λεκάνη) του αάτω πλειστόκαινου = Systematic study of the bovid Pontoceros from the lower pleistocene fossiliferous site Tsiotra Vryssi (Mygdonia basin).
The present thesis deals with the study of an antelope (Family Bovidae), from the fossiliferous locality of Tsiotra Vryssi in Mygdonia Basin, which is very important for the Greek Pleistocene fossil record. At first, the introduction provides information for the evolution of the European bovids of the Early Pleistocene, which survived in the variable palaeoecological conditions of this period, as well as for the geological background of Tsiotra Vryssi. Then, detailed description of the available specimen is provided along with morphological and biometrical comparison with relevant European taxa in order to reach some taxonomic conclusion. According to the analysis, the taxon found in Tsiotra Vryssi, belongs to the subspecies Pontoceros ambiguus mediterraneus, already known from the late Early Pleistocene site of Appolonia-1 of Mygdonia basin. The data show that Pontoceros was a vast faunal element of Early Pleistocene mammal faunas of N. Greece.
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