Περιβαλλοντικά θέματα στις γεωτρήσεις βαθιάς θάλασσας κατά το στάδιο της έρευνας = Environmental issues in deep water drilling during the research stage.
Over recent years, the ever-increasing energy needs require the exploration and exploitation of more oil and gas fields. During the research stage, the first thing to be carried out is office work, then geological mapping, geophysical surveys and remote sensing and the final stage includes drilling if the data show a satisfactory probability of the existence of a deposit. A basic condition for the operation of a well is the optimization of polluting processes and the reduction of released pollutants. Various factors such as equipment, mud, hydrocarbons can have serious effects on marine fauna and flora and the atmosphere from their use and possible leak. The suitable choice of mud as well as its components is extremely important for the smooth operation of a well and the avoidance of accidents and leaks, but at the same time their use must leave the smallest possible environmental footprint and always comply with the legislation. Finally, even in the worst case of a hydrocarbon leak in the marine environment, a rapid and effective response is necessary.
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