Ιζηματολογική μελέτη της παράκτιας ζώνης του Στρυμωνικού κόπου = Sedimentological study of the coastal zone of the Strymonikow gulf, Greece.
This present study examines the coastal zone of Strymonikos Gulf, Central Makedonia. The choice of this specific region, lies on the interesting characteristics of it. Τhe coastal zone of the research area is covered by an extensive small slope’s seafront with wide variety in granulometry and composition of the material. Τhe size of the sediment varies, from fine-grained sand to very coarse-grained sand, mixed with other materials (silt, gravels, tiles) till the presence of big cobbles. A very interesting characteristic is that along the entire length of the area, many streams flow, which originate from Stratoniko Oros, the main mountain mass of the area. Rihios River crosses the Tempi valley and flows into the Strymonikos Gulf, carrying the overflowing waters of Volvi lake. Also, some interesting geomorphs appear in the area, such as the big dune next to the Rihios River’s estuary, a big slope coarse – grained material’s seaside in the area of Asprovalta etc. To draw conclusions there have been taken into account the geological, hydrological characteristics etc of the region and the results of field and laboratory sedimentology research.
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