Κοιτάσματα που σχετίζονται με μαγματικές διεισδύσεις = Intruion related magmatic-hydrothermal ore systems.
This diploma thesis is the product of a bibliographic research on the intrusion related gold systems. They are a new type of deposits that has been of particular interest to mining companies for the past 25 years. Well-known examples are the deposits in the Tintina Gold Province in the north of the North American Cordillera. Their main characteristics are (1) Metaluminous, subalkaline intrusions of felsic to intermediate composition, near the boundary between the magnetite-ilmenite series. (2) Au, Bi, Te, W, As, Mo, Sb mineralization with low concentration of base metals (3) Carbonic hydrothermal fluids (4) Low sulfide content <5%, with mineralization usually including arsenopyrite and pyrite, where magnetite and hematite are absent (5) Usually weak hydrothermal alteration, except in shallower depth systems where it is greater (6) Formed at convergent margins, where continental magmatism contains coeval intrusions of metaluminous, alkaline, calc-emergent in situ (7) Κnown for the existence of tungsten or tin deposits (8) Metal zoning, where the metal zones develop within the plutonite and the magmatic intrusion, at a proximal distance from the magmatic intrusion, and at a greater distance from the magmatic intrusion, with various types of mineralization. The aim of the thesis is to understand and present the characteristics of intrusion related gold systems.
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