Η Σαχάρα και ο ορυκτός πλούτος της = The Sahara Desert and its mineral wealth.
This thesis starts with how a desert can be formed as well as the geographical location of the Sahara Desert. Also, its age, flora, and fauna are mentioned. There is an analysis of the climatological conditions and transformations taking place in the area. What is more, the existence of many underground rivers is mentioned and finally, the first part of the thesis closes with a history flashback on how the Sahara Desert specifically, was created and how it evolved and transformed until it came to be how it is today. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the mineral wealth of the Desert and some nearby locations. Firstly, there is a part dedicated to a geological analysis that took place in the Southeast part of the Sahara. Its main purpose was for scientists to explore certain mines from ancient times. Next, we are focusing on the Sahel region, which includes countries such as Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Sudan, and Burkina Faso. Last but not least, we are moving our interest towards Algeria and the part of the Sahara Desert that belongs to Algeria, too. More specifically, we show our main curiosity in its geological structure, minerals, the history of its mineral wealth, and of course, the general characteristics of its extraction.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
o Daniel R. Muhsa, Joaquín Mecob, James R. Budahna, Gary L. Skippa, Juan F. Betancortb, Alejandro Lomoschitz, « The antiquity of the Sahara Desert: New evidence from the mineralogy and geochemistry of Pliocene paleosols on the Canary Islands, Spain», Volume 533, 1 November 2019, 109245
o Mathieu Schuster, Philippe Duringer, Jean-Franc¸ois Ghienne, Patrick Vignaud, Hassan Taisso Mackaye, Andossa Likius, Michel Brunet, «The Age of the Sahara Desert», 10 February 2006, vol 311
«Les migrants dans la nasse d’Agadez», «Le Monde diplomatique», Ιούνιος 2019
David Lewis, Ryan McNeill και Zandi Shabalala, «Gold worth billions smuggled out of Africa», Reuters Investigates, 24 Απριλίου 2019
Philippe Leymarie, «Comment le Sahel est devenu une poudrière », «Le Monde diplomatique», Απρίλιος 2012
Emmanuel Grégoire και Laurent Gagnol, «Ruées vers l’or au Sahara: l’orpaillage dans le désert du Ténéré et le massif de l’Aïr (Niger)», «EchoGéo», 2017
Raphaëlle Chevrillon-Guibert, Laurent Gagnol και Géraud Magrin, «Les ruées vers l’or au Sahara et au nord du Sahel. Ferment de crise ou stabilisateur ?»,
Περιοδικό «Hérodote», Νούμερο 172, Παρίσι, 2019
Jérôme Tubiana και Claudio Gramizzi, «Lost in transnation. Tubu and other armed groups and smugglers along Libya’s southern border», Small Arms Survey, Γενεύη, Δεκέμβριος 2018
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