Γεωλογικές Διαδρομές στη Νήσο Αμμουλιανή Χαλκιδικής = Geological routes on Ammouliani Island.
During our current time, sustainability is of the utmost importance. New methods of cultivating environmental awareness as well as motivation citizens to protect the environment are being sought. Geology is a complex discipline that can contribute to this field. Given the variety of geological phenomena that can be found in many regions of Greece, and the need for raw materials, as well as renewable energy sources, encouraging citizens to cultivate geological thinking can lead to growth in sustainable development. Furthermore, programs supported by UNESCO to record and highlight geosites, have created opportunities for the spread of geological knowledge and the protection of geological heritage. Within this context, an attempt to study Ammouliani Island was made, for the creation of georoutes, as it is of significant scientific interest. In this Bachelor Thesis, geological mapping of the island was carried out, based on previous geological studies, and mechanisms of faulting and folding were recorded. Finally, the places of high geological interest were selected and georoutes were created, which were recorded on the island’s geological map.
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Διαδικτυακές Πηγές
Ελληνική Στατιστική Αρχή (ΕΛ.ΣΤΑΤ.) Πληθυσμιακά στοιχεία από: https://www.statistics.gr/
The Greek Database of Seismogenic Sources (Gre.Da.S.S.) για στοιχεία ρηγμάτων της ευρύτερης περιοχής (Υπεύθυνοι Προγράμματος: R. Caputo & S. Pavlides):
Shapefile ακτογραμμών για τη δημιουργία DEM στο Global Mapper: http://geodata.gov.gr/maps/?package=d59c2895-49c0-416f-a77e-122459cc8cac&resource=eb718a13-6e4a-45d6-9f9d-b3439d92a668&locale=en
Χάρτες και άλλες ψηφιακές πηγές:
Γεωγραφική Υπηρεσία Στρατού (Χαρτογράφος). (1970). Φύλλο Ιερισσού (Τοπογραφικός Χάρτης). 1:50.000 Γεωγραφική Υπηρεσία Στρατού.
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