Υδρογεωλογική συμπεριφορά των υπόγειων υδροφορέων στα διαρρηγμένα πετρώματα της περιοχής Ασβεστοχωρίου = Hydrogeological behavior of the fissured rocks aquifers in Asvestochori area.
The subject of this master's thesis study is the investigation of the hydrogeological conditions of the fissured aquifers and the study of the susceptibility of the underground aquifers to pollution for the region of Asvestochorio of the Municipality of Pylaia Hortiatis. In the area, fissured aquifers of crystalline and carbonate formations are found.Carbonate formations are metamorphosed and aquifers are located in fracture zones.The underground system of Asvestochorio develops in quaternary alluvial deposits, in karstic, metamorphic and plutonic-magmatic rocks. This intense heterogeneity that characterizes the formations requires frequent monitoring and recording of hydrological and hydrogeological behaviors. In order to more fully capture the characteristics of the area in this postgraduate work, the morphologically characteristics, land uses, hydrographic network, hydrogeological basin, climatic characteristics, tectonics, geology, hydrogeology, were investigated the environmental problems of the area and the sources of pollution of the aquifers. Also, according to the known population data of the area, methods were applied, which aim to estimate the population, but also to predict the water needs of the inhabitants for the coming decades. An attempt is also being made to construct the groundwater vulnerability map of the area, according to the DRASTIC method. It should be mentioned that the research data used and listed were collected from previous research carried out in the area of Asvestochori, personal outdoor exercise, as well as from services, Municipal Irrigation and Sewerage Company Of The Municipality Of Pylias – Hortiati, Greek statistical authority, Ministry of Environment and Energy and National Weather Service.
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Διαδικτυακές Πηγές
• https://www.e-demography.gr/
• https://en-gb.topographic-map.com/maps/d9s/Greece/
• http://geodata.gov.gr/maps/?locale=el
• https://land.copernicus.eu/local/urban-atlas
• https://www.meteo.gr
• https://www.meteoblue.com
• https://www.r-project.org/
• http://weather.vouhead.gr
• http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov
• hortiatis570.g
• https://www.pilea-hortiatis.gr
• http://www.statistics.gr/el/statistics/-/publication
• http://wfdgis.ypeka.gr/
• https://www.geogreece.gr/rain.php
• https://www.biomec.gr/parametroi-posimou-nerou/
• https://www.bioximiki.gr
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