Ορυκτολογική, χημική και μορφολογική μελέτη μαγνητικών σωματιδίων στα εδάφη της λεκάνης Σαριγκιόλ, Κοζάνη και η περιβαλλοντική τους σημασία = Mineralogical, chemical and morphological study of magnetic particles in the soils of Sarigiol basin, Kozani and their environmental significance.
Over the last decade, the industrial development has brought about a visible redistribution of metals in the environment with the main recipient being the soil. In Greece, a category of potential environmental pollutants are steam generated electric power stations, with Kozani region hosting the largest lignite center in Greece (WMLC). The main purpose of this master's thesis is the morphological, mineralogical and chemical analysis of the magnetic fraction in the soils of Sarigiol basin in the region of Kozani and its environmental impact. The sampling consists of 47 sediment samples (10 cm depth) and 12 soil samples from the weathering mantle above the bedrock (surface), from 59 different locations in Sarigiol basin. From the determination of the mineralogical composition of the magnetic fraction, it emerged that the predominant mineral is magnetite, followed by lizardite, calcite, clay minerals, pyroxene, olivine and quartz. The elements that prevail in the magnetic particles of the samples are Fe, followed by Si, Ca, Mg, Al, Cr etc. The magnetic fraction shows a tendency to accumulate in soil samples. The average value of the magnetic fraction of the soils of the area, as it resulted from its isolation from the samples is 3.36 wt.% for the soil samples and 0.67 wt.% for the sediment samples with the highest values appearing NE and SW of the study area for the soil samples NW, NE and S of the study area for the sediment samples. Τhe main source for the magnetic particles in the soil samples are the ophiolite complexes of the area, while for the samples the source is both the ophiolite complexes and the fly ash dispersion from the steam power stations of the area, Agios Dimitrios and Kardia. The grading of lithogenic magnetic particles (LMP) from anthropogenic magnetic particles (AMP) lies in the morphology of each, with the LMP having mainly the form of octahedrons and the AMP the form of spheres, a typical form of particles derived from fly ash from steam generated electric power stations. The ratio of AMP/LMS in the studied samples has an average value of 0.08 with the highest values corresponding to the NE part of the study area (near Agios Dimitrios power station) and locally in the W, N (SE of Kardia power station) part of it. NW of Agios Dimitrios power station, the high proportions of the ratio ΑMP/LMP are due to the fly ash dispersion from the temporary ash deposition sites aαnd the ash transport conveyor belt to the South Field mine that crosses the entire northern side of Sarigiol basin. At the NE and E end of the study area, the high ratio of AMP/LMP is probably due to the fly ash dispersion from Agios Dimitrios power station. Finally, in the N part of the study area, the high ratio of AMP/LMP is due to the activity of Kardia power station while in the W, although the ratio AMS/LMS is high, the ophiolite complexes located in the area constitute the main source of magnetic particles.
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