Καθορισμός και προσομοίωση χρόνων επανάληψης ισχυρών σεισμών στον ελληνικό χώρο με τη χρήση στοχαστικών μοντέλων: συμβολή στην εκτίμηση της σεισμικής επικινδυνότητας = Determination and simulation of strong earthquakes’ recurrence times in Greece via the application of stochastic models: contribution on seismic hazard assessment.
The study of the mean recurrence time of strong earthquakes in specific fault or fault segment above a certain magnitude threshold is an appropriate parameter for the study of the temporal behavior of strong earthquakes. Mean recurrence time can be later used as an input for the development of earthquake rupture forecast models, aiming at the probability estimation of a future strong earthquake associated with a given fault in a specific time span. Statistical models applications requires the statistical independency of the earthquakes interevent times data. The magnitude threshold is determined through time series analysis methodologies in distinctive sub-areas of the Greek territory and is found to be linked with intermediate magnitude earthquakes, ensuring the statistical independence of the recurrence intervals of strong earthquakes. The cases where the available recurrence intervals of strong earthquakes per fault or fault segment have a sufficient number for a robust statistical estimation of the mean recurrence time is limited. For this reason the alternative method of seismic moment conservation is applied for the estimation of the mean recurrence time of strong earthquakes which associated with the 191 main fault segments of Greece. The confidence intervals of mean recurrence time estimates are also estimated using two different approaches. Results of these estimations showing good agreement between the two approaches for the majority of the fault segments. The estimated confidence intervals shown a trend of low periodicity of the mean estimated recurrence time. The obtained results are later used for the application of the exponential distribution and the Brownian passage time distribution, which represent the long-term time-independent and a renewal model for the occurrence of strong earthquakes, respectively. Additionally, a physics-based earthquake simulation algorithm was applied in selected fault zones of the Greece, aiming at the generation long-lasting and representative simulated earthquake catalogs for each fault zone. The simulated catalogs are covering a period of 10 thousand years, allowing the robust statistical analysis of the strong earthquakes recurrence times. Results of this analysis indicate that the time-dependent approach for modeling the temporal properties of strong earthquakes performs better than the time-independent one.
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