Μελέτη των κλιματικών ζωνών και των βαθμοημερών θέρμανσης-ψύξης για την ενεργειακή απόδοση των κτιρίων στον ελληνικό χώρο: Παρόν κλίμα, μελλοντικές προβολές = Analysis of the climate zones and heating-cooling degree days for the energy performance of buildings in Greece: Present climate, future projections
The aim of this dissertation is to assess and update the classification of the climate zones in the Greek region based on the latest revision of the Technical Instructions of K.EN.AK. 2014. The resulting climate zones will help to define the appropriate conditions for the best possible energy performance of buildings in the area of interest. Then, an attempt will be made to estimate the potential changes that will occur in the existing climate zones under climate change conditions due to an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, until the end of the 21st century. The approach that will be followed to achieve the above objectives is, with the use of grid points of the RegCM4 climate model covering the entire Greek area, and with the help of appropriate mathematical models, to calculate the basic parameters that lead to the estimation of the energy efficiency of a building: Heating and Cooling-degree days. Through the proposed daily calculation approach, it is possible to estimate the heating and cooling degree days of buildings with different characteristics, with a theoretical twenty-four-hour operation. The heating and cooling degree days will be calculated for two different thresholds of base temperature. The energy needs of the buildings will be compared according to the climate zone to which each area belongs. Data from a modern regional climate model will be used, both for the current climate and using its future projections, so as to estimate changes in the energy performance of buildings in the future. The evolution of both indicators has been analyzed based on the RegCM4 regional model under the RCP4.5 scenario. Both HDD and CDD have been validated over the period 1980-2000 using a dataset containing 267 grid point data. Trends in HDD and CDD for the three periods are analyzed together with trends in mean and maximum temperatures. The simulations predict a significant decrease for HDD, especially in northern Greece, and an increase in CDD, mainly in the southern part of the country and the islands.
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