Υδρογεωλογική έρευνα της περιοχής Τυμπακίου Κρήτης = Hydrogeological survey of the area of Tympaki, Crete.
This Undergraduate Thesis attempts an extensive analysis and presentation of the geological and hydrogeological system of the area of Tympaki, Crete. Initially, the general characteristics of the area are presented, information is given on the climatic data, and the geology and tectonics of both Crete and the research area are thoroughly analyzed. Then, based on data collected by ELSTAT and TOEB A' Zone of Messara, a population forecast for the following years was carried out, as well as a calculation of water supply and irrigation needs. Data processing shows an average population increase of 39.84%. The irrigation needs were estimated at 653.88 m3/stremma during the irrigation season. In addition, a detailed report is made of the characteristics of the underground aquifers of Crete, Messara, as well as the Tympaki basin, finding that the main aquifer develops in the Quaternary deposits of the area. It is characterized by poor condition in the coastal zone, due to salinization, and good condition in the interior of the basin. Then, the locations of the boreholes in the wider area of Tympaki are presented, as well as the results of the chemical analyses of the groundwater that have been carried out. Moreover, general reference is made to the phenomenon of salinization and nitrate pollution, and the influence of these phenomena on the aquifer is examined. Finally, ways to deal with and prevent these phenomena are mentioned, as well as proposals for the rational utilization and sustainable management of the underground aquifer.
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