Λευκότητα των μαρμάρων του νόμου Δραμας = Whiteness of the marbles in Drama.
The characteristics and properties that a mineral resource can have largely determine its economic importance. The present study presents the percentage of whiteness and mineralogical composition of the marbles found in the region of Falakro Oros. The study was carried out in 7 quarries of the NW and SW part of Falakro. The samples were analyzed on an X-ray diffraction meter and an instrument for measuring chromatic parameters. The results showed that in the SW part there is a higher percentage of whiteness because it consists entirely of dolomitic marble, while in the NW part localized dolomitic marbles with interference of calcitic marble. Therefore, from the results, the specificity and uniqueness of the marble of Drama is perceived, which because of its whiteness ranks among the popular decorative rocks worldwide.
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Εικόνες 2-3-4-8-9-10-11-12-13-14: Προσωπικό φωτογραφικό αρχείο.
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