Μετα-Μινωϊκές εκρήξεις της νήσου Σαντορίνης = Post-Minoan eruptions of Santorini.
Santorini, or Thera, is an island with a rich geological history that has attracted worldwide interest throughout the centuries. It is a centre of volcanism due to the production of magma from the subduction of the African tectonic plate beneath the Eurasian plate. The path of magma on the surface is characterized by its migration from the island complex of the Christiana Islands to the submarine volcano Colombo where it now exists. At the same time, several epicentres of volcanism can be identified in the area of Santorini, depending on the time period and characteristics of the magma, starting with the first volcanoes in the present-day area of Akrotiri 2,000,000 years ago, to the Post-Minoan activity in the area of Kamenes. The unique geological characteristics of Santorini and the hazardous nature of its volcanic complex have given it a permanent place at the centre of the world scientific community. The preserved volcanic deposits built the modern island on the limestone and shale basement, which witnessed the multiple periods of volcanic violence. The Post-Minoan eruptions, however, are characterised by a mild character and a general tranquil state of the volcanic complex area. This paper aims to correlate the historical Post-Minoan eruptions and their folkloric and social impact on science. In particular, the paper is a compilation of records of historians, scientists and citizens about the Post-Minoan eruptions with rich diary and photographic material, resulting in an Atlas of the Post-Minoan eruptions. Finally, it aims to explain how much and in what ways the volcano has participated in the everyday life of the people of Santorini, as well as in the Greek society and the global scientific community in general.
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