Τυρκουάζ: δομή, χημική σύσταση και εμφανίσεις = Turquoise: structure, chemical composition and occurrances.
The purpose of this thesis is to describe the mineral turquoise, which is a phosphate of copper and aluminium. Its chemical composition, crystal structure and physical properties (colour, transparency, hardness, strength, brilliance, specific gravity, cleavage, streak) are presented respectively in the following sections. In addition, its genesis in anhydrous conditions near copper deposits is studied, as well as its occurrences around the world (Arizona, Mexico, Hubei China, Iran, Sinai Egypt, etc.). It also includes methods used for the improvement of turquoise quality (Zachery treatment, wax, plastic, polymer gel and resin impregnation), and the identification of imitations, synthetic minerals and more generally the composition of turquoise finds to distinguish their origin using methods such as Raman, FTIR, EDXRF and INAA analysis.
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