Η επιπτώσεις της βορειοατλαντικής κύμανσης (North Atlantic Oscillation-NAO) στο κλίμα της Ευρώπης = The impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation-NAO in the climate of Europe.
The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on the climate of Europe, with the ultimate goal of monitoring the variation of winds, temperature and precipitation. First, the climate of Europe is discussed and then the atmospheric teleconnection and, more extensively, the North Atlantic Oscillation is analyzed. Then, for the purpose of this study, 73 years of data (1/1/1950 - 2/26/2023) were collected from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. For days when the NAO was at an extreme value, maps of mean temperature and temperature anomalies, maps of daily precipitation and precipitation anomalies and maps of airflow movement in Europe were drawn. The results confirm that during the negative phase of the NAO, higher temperatures are observed in Southern Europe and lower in Northern Europe, while during the positive phase of the NAO, higher temperatures are observed in Southern Europe and lower in Northern Europe. Furthermore, it is found that during the negative phase of the NAO, precipitation increases in Southern Europe and decreases in Northern Europe, while during the positive phase of the NAO, it increases in Northern Europe and decreases in Southern Europe.
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