Εφαρμογές των αργίλων στην κοσμητολογία και δερματοφαρμακολογία = Applications of clay use in cosmetology and dermatopharmacology.
Clays are of great importance in the field of cosmetic formulations due to their special characteristics and their benefits for the skin care. For centuries, the use of clays has been inextricably linked to applications such as exfoliation, absorption and cleansing. In this thesis, their application in cosmetic formulations, in which clay acts as a natural cleanser, effectively removing dirt, excess oil and toxins from the surface of the skin, are presented. Its gentle exfoliating action helps to remove dead skin cells, promoting a smoother and more radiant complexion. In addition, the mineral-rich composition of the clay nourishes and rejuvenates the skin, promoting a healthy glow and helping to maintain balanced hydration. The sure success of their application lies in their colloidal structure that enhances the texture and stability of cosmetic formulations, ensuring a smooth and consistent application. Their versatility and effectiveness in treating various skin problems make clays invaluable and indispensable ingredients in modern cosmetics, contributing significantly to the overall effectiveness of skin care products.
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