Προσδιορισμός γεωμετρικών & κινηματικών ιδιοτήτων ενεργών δομών στο ανατολικό Αιγαίο = Determination of geometric & kinematic propertiew of active faults in eastern Aegean.
The present work aims to study the seismic sequences and to determine the geometric and kinematic properties of active faults in the Eastern Aegean region for the period of August 2022-March 2023. The areas we are focused on are: Lesvos, Izmir, Kousandasi, Samos and Samiopoula. During the study period, the aforementioned locations exhibited intense seismic activity. Further study of the seismicity and seismic sequences of these areas can prove useful in order to broaden our knowledge of their seismotectonic properties, determine active faults that may exist and prepare for the consequences of a future strong earthquake. Also, the knowledge of focal mechanisms of earthquakes in a region (orientation of fault planes, the kinematic axes and main stress axes, the type of rupture, etc.) allows an understanding of the way in which the earthquake is generated, the formation of the stress field in this area and the geodynamic processes taking place in it.Τhe knowledge of the properties of seismic faults allows us a more reliable assessment of the seismic risk in the partcicular place.
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