Διαδικασία τσιμέντωσης γεωτρήσεων υδρογονανθράκων = Oil and gas well cementic operation.
Cementing is one of the most principal processes during the exploitation of hydrocarbons and specifically during the drilling stage. Nevertheless, there are several stages, which include sometime more complex and sometime simpler procedures. The stages of hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation include research, exploration, drilling, production and of course abandonment. The term cementing describes the process of filling a specific part of the borehole with a mixture of water, cement and other additives. This process is directly intertwined with the piping process. It is distinguished into primary cementation and restoration cementation. The most common cementing method is the two-plug method. By the term cement slurry we refer to a mixture of cement, water and other additional materials. The cement slurry should meet certain conditions so that it can insulate the formations during the drilling process and avoid various failures. The American Petroleum Institute (API) established the use of a ranking scale of various types of cement, where the appropriate type should be selected, depending on the conditions in each well and its various depths. The most common type of cement used is Portland cement. Although now each cement industry follows its own method, the design of the cement slurry is very important for the completion of the project. In recent years, the global oil and gas industry has been under pressure to increase production in order to meet global energy demand. A major key factor that has been developed to fulfill this necessity is the reserves, which exist beneath salt formations. Therefore, the drilling of a well, the tubing, and cementing, can be special challenge. Finally, it has been observed that the most problems in a well, over time, are related to mistakes during the cementing process.
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