Πρόβλεψη τιμών spikes του West Texas Intermediate (WTI) με Μηχανική Μάθηση = Forecasting West Texas Intermediate (WTI) price spikes with machine learning.
Τhe ability to predict the price of WTI crude oil is of utmost importance to investors, governments and the commercial – industrial sector. Thus, in this thesis, an attempt is made to predict the extreme values (spikes) of WTI with the Machine Learning approach. More specifically, are used methodologies such as SVM (with the kernels of Linear, Cubic, Quadratic, Fine Gaussian, Medium Gaussian, Coarse Gaussian), Logistic Regression and Bagged Trees. for a set of daily, weekly and monthly data. The data was derived from the WTI Crude Oil spot price returns and covers a period from 1986 to 2023. The limits for the spikes were determined by calculating the sum and difference of the standard deviation and the mean over 30 days, 30 weeks and 24 months respectively for each data group. Subsequently, 90% of the data was used as training data, while 10% was used as test data. The set of results presented shows that the extreme crude oil prices (WTI) are successfully predicted by 8% with the Bagged Trees model, 29% with the Cubic SVM model and 37% with the Cubic SVM model for the daily, weekly and monthly data respectively. It thus, appears that values of WTI crude oil prices, arise from extremely complex processes and are not easy to be predicted satisfactorily by considering only past prices, even with the use of Machine Learning tool.
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