Μετρήσεις Ηλεκτρικής Τομογραφίας στο Περιβαλλοντικό Πάρκο Θέρμης = Electrical Resistivity Tomography Measurements at the Environmental Park of Thermi.
In this work, geoelectric measurements were carried out in the area adjacent to the environmental park of Thermi, which is a reclaimed municipal waste are. The research focused on the NW slope of the park, next to the bank of the Vathylakos stream and a few meters from the area where the liquid waste of the former landfill is being collected to be removed. The aim of the geophysical survey was to map the properties of the subsoil up to depths of a few meters in an effort to identify evidence of leakage of low electrical resistance leachate into the deeper layers. Four electrical tomography sections were performed and after processing the electrical resistance images of the subsoil were produced which were interpreted in relation to the occurrence of possible pollution. The results of the work showed possible pollution from leakage of leachate from the waste site into the subsoil near the Vathylakos stream.
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