Ο ορυκτός πλούτος της Λήμνου και η σχέση του με την εξέλιξη του Ελληνικού πολιτισμού στο Αιγαίο = The Mineral Resources of Lemnos and their relation to the evolution of Greek Culture in the Aegean Sea.
Lemnos is one of the largest islands in the Aegean Sea and since the ancient times it was an important strategic but also trading location. The molassic and volcanosedimentary basement, with the igneous rocks and the zones of faults that occur on the island, affected the morphology of the island. Lemnos island consists of molassic deposits of Upper Eocene – Lower Oligocene, most likely part of the Molassic Trough of Evros, that were intruded by igneous rocks of Early-Mid Miocene, with shoshonitic and potassium-rich rocks. Volcanic rocks also occur on the island. Since the Neolithic era, the cities on the island, faced significant economic progress. The main activities of the inhabitants were agriculture, winemaking, navigation, fishing, metallurgy, and trading. Lemnos was a big trading center and because of its geographic position, it had trading relationships with other cities of the Aegean Sea, the Black Sea, and the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. This diploma thesis aims to provide data about the geology of the island and a historical reference of the especially important ancient cities that were created on the island.
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