Γεωτεχνική διερεύνηση και σχεδιασμός θεμελίωσης και αντιστήριξης για την κατασκευή κτιρίου και υποσταθμού στο Παγκράτι, Αττικής = Geotechnical investigation and design of foundation and support for the construction of a building and substation in Pagrati, Athens.
The present master thesis refers to the geotechnical investigation and design of foundation of a building and substation, as well as the support of excavations, in Pagrati, Athens. More specifically, this thesis concerns the construction of a seven-storey building in a subsoil consisting, from the upper to the deeper layers, from dense clayey-silty sand with obvious residual structure, sandstone with soil-like texture and weak Athenian Schist strongly decomposed, fractured and with dense schistosity. For the mentioned project an on-site geotechnical survey has been carried out within the framework of a study and in order to carry out this thesis, the topographical plan of the building, the construction section, as well as the results of a sampling borehole were provided by the responsible geologist. In the following chapters, the scope of the thesis (Paragraph 1), the methods and laboratory tests, that were applied, are detailing, as well as the procedures for calculating the necessary parameters for the complete coverage of the geotechnical content (Paragraph 2). In addition, the geology, the seismotectonics, the morphology and the hydrogeology of the Athens basin will be analyzed, as the wider study area (Paragraph 3), as well as of the project’s location (Paragraph 4). In chapter 5, the physical and mechanical properties of the strata in the location of interest will be determined and after the geotechnical profile has been established, the geotechnical analyses will begin. The geotechnical analyses concern the calculation of the bearing capacity and the design resistance for the proposed foundation type, with the LoadCup software by Geostru, as well as the estimation of the expected settlements with the Settle3D software by RocScience (Paragraph 6). Also, stability analyses against circular failure, carried out on excavations, with the Slide software by RocScience and support measures were proposed where necessary (Paragraph 7). The support measures that were studied and applied are micro piles, designed with the RSPile software by RocScience and sloping. Finally, the effect of the drop of the groundwater table was examined on the neighboring buildings, using the Settle3D software by RocScience (Paragraph 8). The change in groundwater level is necessary in order to carry out the works without water ingress. After all the above have been considered and analyzed, conclusions and final recommendations for the type of foundation and support measures were carried out.
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