Τα Ηφαιστειογενή κοιτάσματα συμπαγών σουλφιδίων στην Ελλάδα = The Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit in Greece.
The present thesis aims to study the localized volcanic compact sulphides in Greece. Compact sulphide deposits associated with volcanism, also known as volcanogenic sulphides (VMS), are a category of "compact sulphide" deposits. Their main petrographic characteristics are iron pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and, to a lesser extent, magnetite, tetrahedrite-tennantite, boronite, copper and/or silver. Also observed are the complex minerals: quartz, calcite, dolomite, ankerite, and there may be quantities of chlorite, sericite, barite and anhydrite. Depending on their chemical composition and the geotectonic environment of formation, four main types of deposits can be distinguished: the Cyprus type (Cu-silica) with gold, the Besshi type (Cu-Zn-Ag), the Kuroko type (Zn-Pb-Ag) and the Fe-Cu-Ni-Co type. The volcanogenic compact sulphide deposits in Greece are associated with submarine volcanism in ophiolitic complexes and important mineralisation is found in areas such as Vermio between Veroia-Naoussa, in Ermioni of Argolida, in Metaliko of Kilkis Prefecture, in the area of Molaoi, in the new Petra Xylagani, in Agioi Theodoroi of Mount Othrys, in Pindos and in Skra-Polykastro of Pikos.
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