Μελέτη της μεταμόρφωσης των pillow λαβών από τη χερσόνησο της Κασσάνδρας, Χαλκιδική
This diploma thesis studies the metamorphism of pillow lavas from the area Xyna, at the southern part of Kassandra Peninsula in Chalkidiki. These ophiolithic rocks have been ob-ducted on the continental margin before the Upper Jurassic and belong to the subzone of Paionia of Axios zone. Sample investigation confirmed that the pillow lavas were subjected to metamorphic procedures. The lithological types were determined as a) metabasalt with blasto-porphyritic texture and b) metadolerite with blastophitic texture. Three assemblages were identified· metabasalt T1: ferritschermakite + clinopyroxene + albite + epidote + allanite + white mica ± biotite ± titanite ± zeolite ± magnetite, metabasalt T3: ferritschermakite+ albite + chlorite ± epidote ± calcite ± apatite ± zircon ± pyrite ± galena and metadolerite T2: fer-ritschermakite + epidote + titanite + calcite ± chlorite ± zeolite ± chalcopyrite. The transition of albite to oligoclase and the presence of tschermakitic hornblende defines the boundary be-tween greenschist and amphibolite phases that occurs at 450-550οC, depending on pressure. Biotite formation starts at 400-450οC, confirming the previous temperatures. Finally, the tran-sition from greenschist to amphibolite phases occurs at temperatures of 500±50οC and pres-sures of 400-500MPa. Based on these findings the metamorphic conditions of the pillow lavas are determined at Τ?500oC (±50) and P=400-500ΜPa (4-5 Kbar).
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