Συνοπτική μελέτη του φαινομένου του καύσωνα του Ιουνίου-Ιουλίου 2019 στην Ευρώπη = Synoptic study of the heat wave event of June-July 2019 in Europe.
This dissertation is a synoptic study of the heat wave event, which occurred in June-July 2019 and mainly affected Europe and Greece to a less extent. In recent years, heat waves are often recorded in Europe, so they are the subject of study by many scientists, as they differ in intensity and duration from region to region. Heat wave episodes have distinct effects, such as fires, deteriorating human health and increasing mortality. For these reasons, this study will provide a complete description of the heat wave event of 2019 in Europe. Reference will be made to the highest temperatures recorded, to the days when these temperatures occurred, to the areas affected, to the causes and effects of this heat wave event. Therefore, the following happened for the approach and interpretation of the conditions of this heat wave episode. Initially, 36 European stations were selected. Moreover, E-Obs daily minimum and maximum temperature data were processed and visualized with the help of GrADs software (Grid Analysis and Display System) and of Excel, to produce horizontal maps and diagrams for the period from 20 June to 10 July 2019 and graphs (boxplots) with climatic data for the period 1981-2010. These data were taken from the ECA&D (European Climate Assessment & Dataset) database. Furthermore, SYNOP meteorological observations, which were processed in Excel, were used to form diagrams showing the Temperature Humidity Index (THI) for the period from 20 June to 10 July 2019. Additionally, ERA5 daily data were processed and visualized, to draw horizontal maps with the jet stream at 300 hPa, with the geopotential height at 500 hPa, with the temperature together with the geopotential height at 850 hPa, for the period from 23 June to 4 July 2019, and vertical sections at isobaric levels from 100 hPa to 1000 hPa for temperature and vertical velocity. Subsequently, maps with backward trajectories of air masses were created with the help of HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory). In conclusion, the values ??of the daily maximum temperature reached locally 40-45°C in Southern and Western Europe and exceeded the maximum temperature value of the climatic data of the last 30 years (1981-2010). It was shown that the source of the air masses was Νorthern Africa, while the synoptic circulation and mainly the prevailing anticyclonic flow had an important role. Also, the hot episodes that hit Europe mainly in June-July 2019, were considered strong and almost all people felt discomfort, because the temperature-humidity index (THI) exceeded the value of 80. Finally, the hot episodes that hit Spain and Italy, were considered severe and thus caused people to experience a rapidly declining ability to work, because the temperature-humidity index (THI) exceeded the value of 84.
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