Ιστολογικά και ορυκτολογικά χαρακτηριστικά των ζεολιθοφόρων πετρωμάτων της Θράκης και ταξινόμησή τους = Textural and mineralogical characteristics of the zeolite-bearing rocks of Thrace and classification.
The scope of this thesis is to determine the textural and mineralogical characteristics of the examined samples of zeolite-bearing rocks of Thrace. Those formations are volcanoclastic rocks, which have been altered, resulting to the production of zeolite minerals. In total, 9 samples are examined using the method of polarized light microscope exclusively and consequently, and tables concentrating their observed characteristics are given. Through pictures, the textures of the examined samples, the minerals and the recognized alterations are presented, and the classification according to the international bibliography is given. In conclusion, the alteration mechanism, that produces zeolites, is confirmed to all the samples. Specifically, the sample of the area, which is the most abundant in zeolites, is assessed (Kyries Toumpes, Pentalofos) and some zeolite species have been also recognized, like mordenite, that is probable to be found in the sample of Skaloma.
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