Ταφονομική μελέτη των απολιθωμένων οστών θηλαστικών του Άνω Μειοκαίνου από την Θερμοπηγή του δήμου Σιντικής Σερρών = Taphonomic study of late Miocene mammalian bones from Thermopigi (Sintiki, Serres, Greece)
The purpose of this thesis is the taphonomic study of fossils of mammals found in the fossiliferous deposit near the area of Thermopigi, Sintiki, Serres. The fossiliferous deposit was created by the accumulation of animals which were drifted and drowned possibly by a stream of water and their quick burial from sediment, which led to their fossilization. The fossils were dated from the Late Miocene era, during which the environment in which the fossils were found, used to be an open savannah. Effects of roots from the plants can be traced on the fossils, as well as in the form of black lines. This savannah hosted different types of herbivorous and carnivorous animals. Traces of teeth marks and bitten parts of bones from these carnivorous animals can be found on some fossils. Tectonic breaks and deformations can also be observed on fossils, caused by neotectonic forces affecting the area in which the fossiliferous deposit was found. These fossils are stored and exhibited in the Museum of Natural History of Thermopigi. The study of the fossils is still ongoing.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
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Ελληνική Βιβλιογραφία
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