Η πορεία μετανάστευσης του βενθονικού τρηματοφορου Amphistegina Lobifera Larsen στη Μεσόγειο θάλλασα μετά τη διάνοιξη της διώρυγας του Σουέζ = The migration path of the benthic foraminifera Amphistegina Lobifera Larsen in the Mediterranean sea after the opening of the Suez canal.
Amphistegina lobifera Larsen is the most abundant oligotrophic larger foraminifer bearing symbiotic diatoms in the Mediterranean Sea. The rapid spread in recent years is due to climate change, as it is directly dependent on the increase in the Mediterranean surface temperature (SST). Continued warming is expected to shift the spread of this species to the northwest, into previously unreported areas. Several studies have concluded that the rapid spread of these species and the ability to multiply easily has caused a decline in species richness and diversity in several coastal areas of the Mediterranean, placing it on the list of the 100 worst “invasive” species. It has been shown that A. lobifera was present in the Mediterranean long before the opening of the Suez Canal and may have originated from ancient introductions that occurred during the Pleistocene through a different natural waterway. Amphistegina lobifera Larsen has been recorded in the Nile of Delta, in the Levantine basin (Egypt, Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus), in coastal areas of the Aegean Sea (Turkey, Greece), along the coasts of northern Africa (Egypt, Libya and Tunisia), in Malta, Corfu, the Pelagian Islands and the Sicily Channel.
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