Πολύτιμοι λίθοι: Κοιτάσματα πολύτιμων λίθων στον Ελλαδικό χώρο = Precious stones: Deposits of precious stones in Greece.
In this diploma thesis, a qualitative study of the mineral wealth in Greece is carried out through a systematic bibliographic review of the international literature. Greece, due to its tectonic and geological composition, is home to several deposits of precious stones, most of which are located in small areas. Of these, the most important are the corundum, quartz and amethyst deposits. Corundum deposits are found in the areas of Xanthi, Drama and the islands of Naxos and Ikaria. In the area of Xanthi, sapphires in various colors are found, while in Drama, rubies ranging in color from light pink to deep red. Naxos and Ikaria are areas with deposits of blue sapphires. Quartz is found in many areas such as Attica, Drama, Evia, Ios, Thassos and Crete and in various varieties. Of these, the largest variety is amethyst, which is found in areas such as Kornofolia of Evros, Sapes of the Rhodopes, Lesvos and Milos. Increasing the systematic research of precious stones in the country that records their exact properties and characteristics, can contribute significantly to the increase of mining leading to a sustainable and competitive economy.
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