Αριθμητική μελέτη περίπτωσης έντονης χιονόπτωσης στην Ελλάδα και της ευαισθησίας της στις επιφανειακές θερμοκρασίες της θάλασσας. = Numerical Study of An Intense Snow Fall In Greece And Its Sensitivity To Sea Surface Temperatures.
This thesis deals with the numerical, synoptic and dynamic analysis of the intense snowfall event that occurred in Greece on February 13-17, 2021, and was named "Medea". A major aim of this work was the study of its sensitivity to the sea surface temperatures. This event was one of the most intense snowfall phenomena of the last 20 years in Greece. It caused the loss of three lives, the destruction of property, the interruption of electricity, heating, telephony, and the Internet, as well as the obstruction of all kinds of transport (highways, sea transport and flight cancellations). The phenomenon affected many parts of the country, but mainly the capital, which did not have the infrastructure to manage such an intense snowfall. This work is pioneer in the study of the phenomenon of snowfall with the influence of the sea in the Greek region and especially the influence of the Aegean Sea and its surface temperatures on the intense phenomena and snowfall in Greece. It also attempts to fill the gap that exists in the international literature in the study of the influence of sea surface temperatures on snowfall in the Eastern Mediterranean. The synoptic and dynamic analysis of the snowfall event was initially performed. Secondly, experiments were carried out for the optimal simulation of the phenomenon using the nonhydrostatic Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF) numerical model. Also, a series of experiments were carried out to study the influence of sea surface temperatures on the intense snowfall event. The data used for the analysis of the phenomenon included the available surface and upper air observations from the meteorological stations of the Hellenic National Meteorological Service (HNMS), data collection from the media, operational gridded analyses of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and weather charts from the United Kingdom Meteorological Office (UKMet). Furthermore, the sea surface temperatures were based on the high-resolution daily gridded analyses of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and lower resolution gridded climatology. The synoptic/dynamic analysis showed that this phenomenon can be considered as a case of lake/sea effect snow. The optimum WRF simulation of the event was produced by the combination of the Yonsei University boundary layer parameterization with explicitly resolved cumulus convection. In the last part of this thesis, it was shown that local sea surface temperature anomalies up to ±3°C in the Aegean Sea are not able to greatly affect a phenomenon like "Medea". Nevertheless, the decrease in sea temperatures (which also corresponds to the climatic data of sea surface temperatures) tends to reduce the intensity of the phenomenon with smaller precipitation and snowfall amounts. On the contrary, the increase in sea surface temperatures amplifies the phenomenon to a small extent.
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