Διάτρηση αλάτων = Drilling through salt
This thesis provides an overview of evaporites regarding geology and tectonics and examines their origin and evolution over time, their classification and structure, as well as their association with hydrocarbons, either as source rock or as seals and traps. It presents the main evaporitic minerals along with their physical properties, logging and mechanical properties, and behavior of salt formations. It also discusses the challenges that drilling engineers must meet when drilling above, through and beneath salt formations. It then discusses enabling and emerging technologies and methods used in salt drilling, by mentioning some aspects of well design, like subsalt imaging, and of drilling operations, like BHA design, bit selection, etc., as well as well control and drilling fluid selection. The conclusions of this thesis highlight the complexity of salt drilling and the importance of systematic practices and developments to move on to an era when hydrocarbons associated with salts are exploitable with no major risks.
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