Βιοορυκτολογία και Βιοορυκτά = Biomineralogy and Biominerals.
Biomineralogy is defined as a branch of geology that specializes in the study of biominerals and examines how minerals and mineral-like resources interact with biological systems, including animal and plant organisms. Biominerals are formed by living organisms or produced from the remains of organisms that have died and been released into the environment. They play a significant role in various physiological processes. These minerals are essential for the growth, development and maintenance of living organisms. Some examples of bio minerals include calcium carbonate and hydroxyapatite. Other biominerals, such as iron and manganese oxides, contribute to soil formation and nutrient cycling in ecosystems. In addition, biominerals are vital to human health. Biominerals have many applications in medicine, industry and materials science. Biominerals are critical to the functioning of living organisms and have important applications in fields such as environmental remediation, and renewable energy technologies. Understanding the formation, properties and function of biominerals can generate new insights and innovations in these fields.
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Ηλεκτρονικές πηγές:
Advances in biomineralization-inspired materials for hard tissue repair | International Journal of Oral Science (nature.com) https://doaj.org/article/0fa16fff58d84f47a1f63463d60b856b
Biomimetics | Free Full-Text | Forced Biomineralization: A Review (mdpi.com)
Morphology control and molecular templates in biomineralization - ScienceDirect https://www.fabeelous.gr/journal3/blog/post?journal_blog_post_id=16
Biominerals | Mineralogical Magazine | GeoScienceWorld https://www.smithsonianmag.com/blogs/national-museum-of-natural-history/2021/04/22/how-biominerals-are-stepping-stones-climate-change-research/
Future Market Insights, Inc.https://factcheckgreek.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33CC6M9
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