Ηφαιστειακοί χειμώνες = Volcanic wintes.
After large volcanic eruptions there was a drop in global temperature for the next 1-6 years. When the eruption occurs near the equator the effects affect the global climate, while when it occurs in a hemisphere the effects only affect the specific location of the explosion. The Toba eruption is the largest of the Quaternary period. The volcanic winter caused by the eruption of the Toba volcano could have neutralized a large part of modern humans. Volcanic winters can therefore reduce the population. Unlike the explosive eruptions of camp volcanoes like Toba, Tambora and Pinatubo that last only for hours to weeks, basalt eruption continues for years, if not millennia. "super-eruptions" can cause severe volcanic winters and short-term cooling in several large parts of the world. In the future, a major explosion can have a negative impact on agriculture and lead to food shortages in some areas. Although the location and time of the next big eruption are not yet clear, it is known that they will happen.
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