The Mixed Embeddedness of Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Athens : results from the 2014 sample survey

Διονύσης Μπαλούρδος


Economic participation, as labour and as typically small business owners, often reflects the nature of mixed embeddedness and especially the relational embeddedness of particular immigrant groups. This is most apparent in relation to social and economic networks, the deployment of human capital, immigrant engagement strategies and transnational activities. Using the concept of mixed embeddedness, this paper examines whether self-employed entrepreneurs are rooted in place and also whether those who are more rooted in place are more likely to enter self-employment. Drawing on data from the Athens 2014 sample survey, using descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis it shows that self-employed entrepreneurs as compared with employees are more rooted in place. It also shows that immigrant entrepreneurship behaviour is affected mainly by credit constraints, time of residence in the host country, difficulties in understanding the Greek language and discrimination in accessing the labour market.

Λέξεις κλειδιά

10ο Διεθνές Γεωγραφικό Συνέδριο; 10th International Geographical Congress; migration processes; transnationalism in europe; mobilities in europe; crisis times; Immigrant entrepreneurship; self-employment; mixed embeddedness; logistic regression

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