Morphological evolution of the Evros River Deltaic shoreline

Δ.Ι. Γιαννούλη, Α. Καρδίστα, Σεραφείμ Ε. Πούλος, Ε. Βασσιλάκης


The present study aims to map, analyze and identify the recent morphological changes along the deltaic coastline of R. Evros, using a time-series of historical aerial photographs, elaborated with photogrammetric and GIS software. The development of its delta is being controlled, by both natural and human induced factors, and especially those related to water and sediment fluxes. Since the 1950s, anthropogenic activities have been responsible for the hydrological and morphological changes in its delta region. The coastline of the Evros river mouth area has subjected to significant changes between 1960 and 2000, as indicated by shoreline retreat of up to 600 m locally, although the contemporary mouth seems to be nowadays relatively stable, after its initial prolongation soon after the artificial relocation of its lower course in 1950’s.

Λέξεις κλειδιά

10ο Διεθνές Γεωγραφικό Συνέδριο; 10th International Geographical Congress; shoreline retreat; human intervention; aerial photographs

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