Spatial inequalities and development perspectives in the Municipality of Pogoni NW Epirus, Greece

Αμαλία Μαυρίκη


The aim of this paper is to identify the problems and the new dynamics that have been resulted from the creation of the Municipality of Pogoni, after the implementation of Kallikratis administrative reform, which merged number of smaller Municipalities based in two dissimilar topographic areas, namely a mountainous and a lowland area Despite the problems aroused, the newly formed Municipality has seen greater potential as a result of this coalition and turned out to be highly advantageous for the future prospect of the Municipality of Pogoni. The objective of this study is mainly to form recommendations for utilizing the potentials and create new development perspectives for the study area. The structure of the production, the demographic characteristics and the social infrastructure were examined for each municipal district of the Municipality of Pogoni, in order to reveal the profile and the contrasts of the study area. Besides the disparities it seems that the area of Pogoni presents significant homogeneities, such as a common cultural identity. Utilizing the musical heritage of this area and promoting as a tourist destination could be two direct, important actions, in the direction of the integrated development of Pogoni Municipality.

Λέξεις κλειδιά

10ο Διεθνές Γεωγραφικό Συνέδριο; 10th International Geographical Congress; Spatial inequalitites; development perspectives; Pogoni; NW Epirus; Greece.

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