
Τεύχος Τίτλος
Τόμ. 28 (1992) The neopaleozoic - triassic formations of the southeastern part of Lesvos island: tectonica approach (Abstracts)  PDF
Γεώργιος Π. Μιγκίρος
Τόμ. 28 (1992) Volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits in Southern Crystalline basement of Eastern Alps (NE Italy) (Abstracts)  PDF
P. Frizzo
Τόμ. 28 (1992) A view on the paleozoic sediments of Albanides (Abstracts)  PDF
A. Xhomo, P. Pashko, S. Meco, A. Pirdeni
Τόμ. 28 (1992) Main features of the regional metamorphisms in Hungary (Abstracts)  PDF
P. Arkai, G. Lefkes, F.P. Sassi
Τόμ. 28 (1992) Contrasting pressure characters of the Variscan VS. Alpine greenschist facies mertamorphism in the Western Carpathians (Czecho- Slovakia) (Abstracts)  PDF
C. Mazzoli, R. Sassi, A. Vozarova
Τόμ. 28 (1992) Terrane map of the Alpine-Himalayan belt, Western part (Abstracts)  PDF
F. Ebner, F. Neubauer
Τόμ. 28 (1992) The geochemistry of lavas from the Adjacent to the Southern Trondos transform fault zone: comparison with oceanic fracture zones (Abstracts)  PDF
Στέφανος Ξενόπουλος, Α. Παναγιώτου
Τόμ. 28 (1992) 5th Annual Meeting , Athens, Chios - Lesbos, Greece, May 25-31, 1992 (Abstracts)  PDF
Τόμ. 28 (1992) Further chemical data on the upper ordovician acidic plutonism in the Austrides of the Eastern Alps. (Abstracts)  PDF
C. Mazzoli, R. Sassi
Τόμ. 28 (1992) Evonian tentaculites of transcaucasian part Gondwana- land margin and its biostratigraphic and paleogeographic significance (Abstracts)  PDF
I.V. Dorodnova
Τόμ. 28 (1992) Paleotethyan tectonic evolution of the North Tethyan margin in the Central Pontides, N Turkey (Abstracts)  PDF
T. Ustaomer, A.H.F. Robertson
Τόμ. 28 (1992) The pelagic and triassic deep- water sequence of Western Sicily and its continuation in the Eastern Mediterranean area (Abstracts)  PDF
H. Kozur
Τόμ. 28 (1992) K- feldspar megacrysts bearing granitic suite in the Serre (Calabria, Southern Italy) (Abstracts)  PDF
Moro A. Del, A. Fornelli, A. Paglionico
Τόμ. 28 (1992) Outcrops of magmatic and metamorphic rocks in the Ionian zone (Albania) (Abstracts)  PDF
A. Serjani, I. Bajo
Τόμ. 28 (1992) Events preceding the opening of the mesozoic tethys in the East Mediterranean region (Abstracts)  PDF
S. Kovacs
Τόμ. 28 (1992) The Rhodope question viewed Eastern Greece (Abstracts)  PDF
Braun E. Von
Τόμ. 28 (1992) Paleozoic magmatic rocks of Albania (Abstracts)  PDF
M. Shallo
Τόμ. 28 (1992) Conodot biostratigraphy of the middle-upper triassic hallsatt limestone (S.I) facies: examples from Northern Hungary (Abstracts)  PDF
S. Kovacs
Τόμ. 28 (1992) Ordovician and permian plutonism in the Southalpine crust (NW Italy and Ticino-Ch): a comparison (Abstracts)  PDF
A. Boriani, L. Pinarelli, Origoni E. Giobbi
Τόμ. 28 (1992) Further evidence of a high thermal gradiet operating on a regional scale during the variscan metamorphism in the Eastern Alps (Abstracts)  PDF
R. Sassi, R. Spiess
Τόμ. 28 (1992) Geodynamic implication of geochemical data for the early paleozoic matavolcanics from the geremic unit (Inner Western Carpathians) (Abstracts)  PDF
P. Ivan
Τόμ. 28 (1992) An overview of the late- variscan magmatic evolution in the Alpine belt (Abstracts)  PDF
B. Bonin
Τόμ. 28 (1992) The tuscan segment of the Italian Hercynian chain from the variscan belt to the Alpidic Peri-Adriatic extensional margin (Abstracts)  PDF
A. Rau
Τόμ. 28 (1992) Metamorphic evolution of the Western Carpathians Pre-Alpine basement (Abstracts)  PDF
D. Hovorka, S. Meres
Τόμ. 28 (1992) The age of frido metalimestones: implications about a paleotectonic role of the Sangineto line (Abstracts)  PDF
G. Bonardi, Capoa P. De, B. Fioretti, V. Perrone
1 - 25 από 36 Στοιχεία 1 2 > >> 

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