
Τεύχος Τίτλος
Τόμ. 100 (2010) Molybdenite occurrences in Greece : mineralogy, geochemistry and depositional environment  PDF
Π. Βουδούρης, Β. Μέλφος, R. Moritz, P. G. Spry, M. Ortelli, T. Kartal
Τόμ. 100 (2010) Accumulation and distribution of organic matter in sediments of salt-affected shallow lakes at Szeged, Hungary  PDF
G. Bozso, E. Pal-Molnar, T. Nyilaw, M. Hetenyi
Τόμ. 99 (2010) Shallow ground waters and the formation of carbonate soils in southeast Bulgaria - a study in progress  PDF
M. Panayotova, I. Dimitrov, Z. Kashilska
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Climatology of Erythemally and Vitamin d Weighted Irradiance at Thessaloniki, Greece, from a NILU-UV Multi-filter Radiometer and a YES UVB-1 Radiometer  PDF
Μ. Μ. Zεμπιλά, Κ. Μελέτη, Α Μπαής, Α. Καζαντζίδης
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Early Pliocene deposits in Kephallonia (Ionian Islands): Biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental-paleoclimatic impications  PDF
Μ. Β. Τριανταφύλλου, Μ. Ντ. Ντιμιζά, Μ. Ντ. Παπανικολάου
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Protection of marble surfaces by using nano-particles  PDF
Μ. Στεφανίδου, Κ. Μάντζιαρης
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Palaeoenvironmental seeting of rudists in the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian-Campanian) deposits from Valea Neagra de Cris (Borod Basin)-Northern Apuseni Mts, Romania  PDF
L. Sasaran, E. Sasaran, I. I. Bucur
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Biostratigraphic zonation based on foraminifera and algae in the Triassic deposits of the north sector of the eastern Carpathians  PDF
D. A. Popescu, L. G. Popescu
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Preliminary carbon and oxygen isotope data on carbonate sequences from the Padurea Craiului Mountains, Romania. Paleoenvironmental significance  PDF
D.C. Papp, I. Cociuba, s. Cuna
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) On the relationship between the Paleogene Magura Basin and Pieniny Klippen belt sediments area-the Leluchow sections, a new approaches (Polish Outer Carpathians)  PDF
P. Nescieruk, M. Oszczypko-Clowes, A. Wojcik, N. Oszczypko
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Climate change and wet winters : testing the diffusion of soluble salts in building stone under saturated conditions  PDF
S. McCabe, B. J. Smith, J. J. McAlister, H. A. Viles, J. M. Curran, T. Crawford
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Geodynamics of Carpathian and Crimean fold belts formation  PDF
Y. Krupsky, Y. Koltun
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Carnian Pluvial Event in the Mezica area, Karavanke Mts., Slovenia  PDF
T. Kolar-Jurkovsek, B. Jurkovsek
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mercury porosimetry measurements for permeability determination  PDF
J. Jarzyna, E. Puskarczyk
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Subduction-related Jurassic gravity deposits in Bukk - Darno area, northeast Hungary  PDF
J. Haas, P. Pelikan, A. Gorog, P. Ozsvart, S. Jozsa, Sz. Kover
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) A latest Anisianradiolarite event in the High Karst Nappe in the Dinarides (Montenegro)  PDF
H.-J. Gawlick, S. Gorican, R. Lein, S. Missoni
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Post-subduction Pliocene-Quaternary magmatism in the south-east part of the Carpathian-Pannonian region : tectonic significance  PDF
H. Downes, I. Seghedi, L. Matenco, A. Szakacs, Z. Pecskay
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Role of the olistostremes and olistoliths in tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Outer west Carpathians  PDF
M. Cieszkowski, J. Golonka, A. Slaczka, A. Waskowska-Oliwa
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Two partial melting events as recorded by the U-Th-Pb chronometer in monazite : LA- ICPMS in situ dating in metapelites from the Bulgarian central Rhodopes  PDF
V. Bosse, Z. Cherneva, P. Gautier, I. Gerdjikov
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Gold-base metal deposits in Greece : genetic types and economic perspectives  PDF
Νίκος Δ. Αρβανιτίδης, Κ. Μιχαήλ, Κ. Παπαβασιλείου, Γ. Περαντώνης
Τόμ. 100 (2010) The geotourist assessment of the volcanic sites in Vtacnik Mts. (Slovakia, western Carpathians)  PDF
M. Gorna, J. Golonka
Τόμ. 100 (2010) Latest Jurassic - earliest cretaceous mass movements in the polish part of the Pieniny Klippen belt and Silesian unit (outer flysch Carpathians)  PDF
M. Krobicki, J. Golonka, T. Slomka
Τόμ. 99 (2010) Organizing Committee  PDF
Τόμ. 99 (2010) Preliminary data on the crystal - chemical characteristics of beryl from Cer Mt. (Serbia)  PDF
P. Tancic, M. Poznanovic, R. Dimitrijevic
Τόμ. 99 (2010) Biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of the upper cretaceous flysch sediments of the mestia - tianeti zone of the greater Caucasus fold system  PDF
T. Gavtadze, Kh. Mikadze, Z. Chkhaidze
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