
Τεύχος Τίτλος
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Landslide risk mapping by Remote Sensing and GIS in Gevgelija-Valandovo Basin  PDF
I. Milevski, B. Markoski, M. Jovanovski, S. Gorin
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Neogene-Quaternary volcanic forms in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region: a review  PDF
J. Lexa, A. Fulop, V. Konecny, M. Kovacs, K. Nemeth, Z. Pecskay, I. Seghedi, A. Szakacs
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Gem minerals and materials from the Neolithic ans Chalcolithic periods in Bulgaria and their impact on the history of gemmology  PDF
R. I. Kostov
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Polygenetic history of the Chasanbali ophicalcite breccias in Thessaly, Greece  PDF
Μ. Κατή, Ανδρέας Κ. Μαγγανάς, Β. Μέλφος, Π. Βουδούρης
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Lake Ohrid Basin (FYROM/Albania): a seismogenic landscape  PDF
N. Hoffmann, K. Reicherter
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Late Eocene synmetamorphic thrusting and syn0orogenic extansion across the metamorphic pile of the Bulgarian central Rhodope  PDF
I. Gerdjikov, P. Gautier, Z. Cherneva, V. Bosse, G. Ruffet
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Micas and clay minerals of muddy to clayey sediments from the Paleogene variegated shales, Polish Carpathians  PDF
B. Dziubinska
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Ecological aspects of the operational Hail Suppression project in Serbia  PDF
M. Curic, D. Janc
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Development of lower cretaceous deposits from Bihor - Padurea Craiului unit (Apuseni Mountains, Romania) : comparisons with Villany region in Hungary  PDF
I. I. Bucur, I. Cociuba, G. Csaszar, R. Koch, M. Nowak, E. Sasaran
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Romanian mud volcanoes - main features and methane flux to the atmosphere  PDF
C. Baciu, G. Etiope, L. Spulber, D. Costin, C. Pop
Τόμ. 100 (2010) Reviewers  PDF
Τόμ. 100 (2010) Sources of base, precious and rare metals during the tethyan phanerozoic evolution of the Caucasus and Pontides  PDF
V. Gugushvili, N. Popkhadze, T. Beridze, S. Khutsishvili
Τόμ. 100 (2010) On the mineralogy, physical characteristics and the main elemental content of urban road dust particles from the historic centre of the city of Thessaloniki, northern Greece  PDF
Άννα Ι. Μπουρλίβα, Α. Παπαδόπουλος, Α. Ν. Γιούρη, Λ. Παπαδοπούλου, Νίκος Καντηράνης
Τόμ. 99 (2010) Evolution of drought severity for a 118-year period in the Republic of Moldova  PDF
V. Potop
Τόμ. 99 (2010) The analysis of reservoir heterogeneity from well log data  PDF
I. I. Malureanu, V. M. Batistatu,
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Mesozoic radiolarians from the Dinarides (Serbia and Bosnia)  PDF
N. Djeric, S. M. Schmid, S.V. Vishnevskaya, N. Gerzina
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Geochemical characteristics of natural waters contaminated by hexavalent chromium, in Eastern Sterea Hellas, Greece  PDF
Χ. Βασιλάτος, Ι. Μεγρέμη, Μ. Οικονόμου-Ηλιοπούλου
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Holocene Raised shorelines along Athos Penisula, Northern Aegean Sea, Greece-First data  PDF
Γεώργιος Ε. Συρίδης
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Jurassic calc-alkaline granitoids associated with the East Vardar Ophiolites  PDF
K. Saric, V. Cvetkovic, R. L. Romer, Γεώργιος Χριστοφίδης, Αντώνιος Α. Κορωναίος
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) New data regarding the resources of tellurium and its distribution in the waste dumps and tailing dam from the Certej-Sacaramb ore deposit, Metaliferi Mts., Romania  PDF
C. Gh. Popescu, M. E. Cioaca, A. Neacsu, D. Filipescu, E. Orlandea
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) A Newly Discovered Fossil Stratabound Hydrothermal Manganese Deposit at Aspro Gialoudi, N.W. Milos, Greece  PDF
Κ. Τ. Παπαβασιλείου, G. Glasby, Δ. Αλιφέρης, Π. Βουδούρης, Ι. Μήτσης
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Interconnection of the regional-tectonic geological research and the applied technological: The case study from Gemeric zone, The Inner Western Carpathians  PDF
Z. Nemeth, L. Tucck
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Factors influencing sandstone response to changing environmental conditions in northern Ireland  PDF
D. McAllister, S. McCabe, B. Smith, N. Betts
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Shows of lithospheric plates collision in region of Eastern Carpathians  PDF
Y. Krupsky, P. Chepil, V. Gladun
Τόμ. 39, Αρ. 1/2 (2010) Application of skeletonization on geophysical images  PDF
Ε. Κόκκινου, Χ. Παναγιωτάκης, Α. Σαρρής
201 - 225 από 271 Στοιχεία << < 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 > >> 

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